Thursday, June 25, 2009

6/25 Lesson #2

This lesson dovetails with the previous one in that it is designed to help students become more comfortable with creating and sharing content. It is based on the idea of having students integrate the tools they use daily to create something new and share it.

Objectives for Learners
Students will learn how to create and share information quickly and efficiently relying primarily on their own tools.

• Computer with internet access;
• Cell phone
• iPod

Anticipatory set
We will watch a few YouTube videos, and the students will rate them based on how well they communicated their messages, production values, etc.
After collecting the students’ ratings, I will explain that they were all made by students using just the tools in their backpacks.

Body of the Lesson:
Most students at Edina High School have very sophisticated cell phones, virtually all are equipped with cameras, many have video capabilities, and most have internet access.

Using just these tools, the students will create either a humorous piece and post it to YouTube or develop a story for the Hornet Report, the school’s TV news program.

They can use their own laptop or computers in my mini-lab to edit their pictures, screen caps, video shots, etc. This should take two class periods.

Each student will post their work to the class web site, and we will review them as a class.

Each student’s work will be evaluated based on how well they have composed their story, the completeness of the production, and how well they integrated several tools to tell the story.


  1. Hi Joe,

    I think this lesson is a really great idea for a project, especially with high school students. It's so true that students have most (if not all) of the resources at their fingertips, they just need a little guidance to put everything together in an effective and engaging presentation. This is a very hands-on idea and I think kids would really enjoy putting together their own videos.

  2. Hi Joe,
    I liked your idea of using tools that students already have to create "art". This lesson may give students idea of positive uses of the technology they posess. One idea though would be to maybe form groups of 3-5, making sure each group has a student who has a cell phone with a camera or other source needed for the assignment. This may help to avoid any embarrasement that may occur for the only student in the class without a cell phone. (this seemed to always be me in high school. Not cell phones, but other things like nice tennis shoes:-)

  3. What a great way of actually making use of the cell phones that students cannot let leave there fingertips! This is really interesting and a great way to look at story and production. I am constantly looking for ways to make use of the tools students have with them on a daily basis (rather than fighting it all the time) and you did a great job of it! I will have to use this idea sometime...if you don't mind. :)
